Carewest OSI Clinic – From Referral to Treatment


The OSI Clinic provides assessment and treatment to active and retired RCMP members, veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, and active military members.  We accept referrals from Veterans Affairs Canada, RCMP Health Services, and the Canadian Forces.  We are unable to accept self-referrals and referrals made by family physicians and other healthcare specialties.  If you feel that you are struggling with an OSI and would like to be referred to our clinic, reach out below:

Regular and reservist members of Canadian Forces: Speak with your Medical Officer or Social Worker on the Base to request a referral.

Current members of the RCMP: Speak with your Health Services Officer or RCMP Psychologist to request a referral.

Veterans of the Canadian Forces and retired RCMP: Speak with your VAC Case Manager or call the Veterans Affairs Canada National Client Contact Centre at: 1-866-522-2122 (English) or 1-866-522-2022 (French) to request a referral.


At the OSI Clinic, we complete Veteran’s Affairs Disability Assessments, Treatment Assessments, and Disability Re-Assessments.  Occasionally, we may provide input into Vocational Rehabilitation Assessments.

Step 1: Intake

Once the OSI Clinic receives a referral, an intake nurse or social worker will review the referral and call the individual to set-up an intake which captures information, including:

  • The reason for the referral from their perspective
  • Brief history of service (i.e. deployments, military, or policing service)
  • Past and present mental health treatment and medications
  • Current symptoms
  • Current stressors
  • Their expectations and availability
Step 2: Assessment

After intake, clients are asked to complete self-report screens of symptoms and are booked for a comprehensive psychological or psychiatric assessment. This assessment may indicate an OSI and provide treatment recommendations to improve their mental health symptoms.  Findings from the assessment are shared with the client and they are encouraged to ask questions.  The assessment will also be shared with Veterans Affairs, CAF, and/or RCMP Health Services.  If an individual has submitted a Disability Application for a Mental Health Condition, this assessment provides the information needed by Veteran’s Affairs Canada to make a decision.

Step 3: Treatment Plan Development

Once the assessment is complete, the OSI clinical team will meet and develop a treatment/service plan that best fits the individual’s needs. A treatment plan may include engaging with a therapist and/or psychiatrist the OSI clinic for evidence-based treatment, or it may support a referral to a community resource for specialized follow-up.


If treatment at the OSI Clinic is thought to benefit the client’s mental health and quality of life, they will be assigned an individual therapist to commence treatment.  Treatment may include individual evidence-informed trauma treatment, psychiatric support and medication management, group therapies, and couples’ therapy.  Typically, the beginning stage of treatment at the OSI Clinic entails weekly appointments with a therapist.

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