The Calgary Health Foundation fundraises for excellence in health care. At Carewest, this means funding new and innovative programs, leading-edge technology and adding to the quality of life of residents and clients.
“No one has ever become poor by giving.” ~ Anne Frank
Your donation touches lives every day by enhancing the quality of life for our residents and clients or improving Carewest programs at our many locations. Thanks to your generosity, we are helping to provide the resources to deliver the enhanced continuing care services for our community.
Beyond the need for vital equipment needs, less tangible needs – such as a comfortable environment, a special meal or a sense of joy – can also be attained through donations.
A few leftover spindles. A block of oak. A refurbished power tool. A dozen hours of time. All are gratefully accepted – and put to good use – by the woodworking program. Each week, about 65 residents with physical or cognitive disabilities attend the program, creating items that can be as small as a jewelry box or as big as a table. The woodworking program is one of several quality of life programs Carewest offers its residents; others include music, horticulture and art therapy. These programs give participants a sense of purpose, pride and accomplishment. They are the spice of life – and they owe their existence to donors and volunteers.
We invite your gifts. To make a donation or for further information on priority needs of Carewest, please call Calgary Health Foundation at (403) 943-0615 or print out this form.