Carewest is committed to transparency and has complied with legislation to disclose compensation for employees receiving over $136,805 in compensation as outlined in the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act. The compensation information released is total annual compensation, which includes base salary, overtime, shift premiums, weekend premiums, on-call pay, sick pay, vacation pay, benefits and severance.
For inquiries related to this disclosure, including information about the exemption process, please contact Darrell Lang, Director of Human Resources at [email protected].
Compensation: Income plus taxable benefits paid to a member or employee. Excludes severance.
Other (non-monetary benefits): If total compensation is $136,805 or more annually, non-taxable benefits, including the public sector body’s share of pension, dental and health spending accounts and other benefits must also be disclosed.
Severance: Includes payments when employment or member’s appointment ends or retiring allowance.
Attachments (when required): An employment contract or severance agreement for employees who receive over $136,805 annually in compensation and/or severance. Links open as PDF files.
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