Single Employer Declaration

If you haven’t already, please declare your intention to stay at Carewest or work for another employer by filling out this survey.

Carewest has been notified that the Alberta Medical Officer of Health has directed that health care employers restrict employees working for more than one health care employer and/or at more than one site.  This direction has been issued as an additional measure to reduce the spread of and exposure to COVID-19 amongst both vulnerable residents/clients and the employees who provide care to them.

In order for Carewest to abide by this directive, we must ensure that all Carewest staff only work for Carewest.  We must also ensure that these staff only work at one Carewest site. 

Should you choose to work for another healthcare provider during the COVID-19 pandemic, you will be removed from the Carewest schedule and placed on an unpaid leave of absence.   Your job will be waiting for you when this restriction ends.  At this point in time we do not know when that will be. 

If you stay with Carewest, you may have the choice to pick up additional shifts, or be placed into a 12-hour shift rotation, if you would like.  Details of those opportunities will be shared with you in the very near future as they become clear.

We hope you choose to work for Carewest during these challenging times. 

If you haven’t already, please declare your intention to stay at Carewest or work for another employer by filling out this survey.

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