Carewest Operational Stress Injury Clinic

What is an OSI?

An operational stress injury (OSI) is any ongoing psychological difficulty that has arisen from duties performed during military or police service. It can manifest as a range of health problems such as anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, substance use or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as other conditions that interfere with daily functioning.

Many experiences can cause operational stress. Although active combat is certainly one of them, there are many other events that are part of the risk of serving in the military or RCMP that can cause such injuries. Taking part in search-and-rescue operations, being involved in a training accident, handling injured bodies, witnessing civilian atrocities or being involved in civilian disaster aid can all cause moderate to severe stress reactions. When these experiences interfere with a person’s life, the result is an operational stress injury.

An OSI can affect others in the person’s life, leading to marital and family problems. OSIs can also produce physical symptoms such as stomach upset, headaches, and sleep problems, and they can make chronic pain problems worse.

What is the Operational Stress Injury Clinic?

The Carewest Operational Stress Injury (OSI) Clinic is a specialized mental health service offered to Veterans, members of the Canadian Forces and eligible members of the RCMP, who are encountering ongoing difficulties as a result of service-related psychological injury and traumatic events.

Is there a cost?

There is no cost to the individual or family, for clients authorized to attend the OSI Clinic.

Contact information

Calgary Market Mall OSI Clinic

Suite 203 – 3625 Shaganappi Trail N.W.

Calgary, Alberta, T3A 0E2

Phone: 403-216-9860

Red Deer OSI Clinic

Suite 102 – 5010 43rd Street

Red Deer, Alberta, T4N 6H2

Phone: 403-343-4569

Click here to e-mail the Carewest OSI Clinic.

Hours of operation

8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday

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